Privacy Policy

In May 2018 the Data Protection Act was replaced by the General Data Protection 

Regulations (GDPR). The changes to the Data Protection Act are aimed at ensuring that your personal, confidential and sometimes sensitive data, is held privately and securely. 


1. How long will you hold my information for? 

I am a student member of the NCH and as such I am bound by their regulations regarding the length of time records may be stored.  Their recommendation is that “You should keep written records stored securely for 8 years after the last interaction with an adult client and up to the age of 25 for a child under 16 when last seen or 26yrs for 17-18 year old”. 


2. What if I would like my data to be destroyed before this date? 

I am professionally obligated to keep certain data.  In particular I need to keep session records and other information which will only be essential to your care. You can request that these are anonymized and any identifying information be removed from my systems in which case the identifying items will be removed and the documents stored as a coded file name. Under GDPR rules, you are able to request the deletion and anonymization of any of your records at any time and this request can be sent to Helensburgh Hypnotherapy by email.


3. Am I able to see or get a copy of the information held by you? 

In line with GDPR regulations, yes, if you send a request in writing, specifying the information that you would like to see, I will be happy to provide you with your information within 30 days.  Please note confirmation of identity may be needed to provide this information. 


4. What are your Reasons for collecting this information? 

At Helensburgh Hypnotherapy we are keen to offer the highest quality of support to our clients.  The type of information that we may collect is; 

  • What you may wish to achieve from your hypnotherapy sessions; 
  • A small amount of medical information; 
  • Brief notes taken during your sessions for example what has gone well and what are your next steps; 
  • GP contact details; 
  • Contact details for yourself and a significant other. 

 5. How do I know that you will store my information securely? 

Any information that is collected during each session will be taken electronically, printed and filed in a secure, locked, filing system.  The electronic copy will then be deleted.

Any text messages/FB messenger messages can only be accesses through my phone/ipad /laptop which are all pin protected/protected by facial/fingerprint recognition.  These will be printed and filed in a secure, locked, filing system and any electric copy deleted.

Helensburgh Hypnotherapy’s email account is protected by a strong password and again access to this via my phone/ipad/laptop which are all pin protected/protected by facial/fingerprint recognition.  Again, these will be printed and filed in a secure, locked, filing system and any electronic copy deleted.


6. Are our discussions within the hypnotherapy sessions confidential? 

Any information collected on you during sessions will be kept confidential.  I will only use this information for the purposes that it is given or for purposes where you have given specific permission to use it.  Exceptions to this are; 

  • If you disclose that you intend to harm yourself or others;
  • If you disclose that a child is, or is in danger of being abused; 
  • If I am compelled to reveal information by a court order; 
  • If you disclose that you are involved in any criminal activity that must be reported to the police 
  • During supervision, to review therapy and ensure that the help that you are receiving is the most effective, but all information pertaining to your identity would be removed and my supervisor is also registered with the ICO and abides by GDPR requirements. 


7. What if I see you outside of a hypnotherapy session? 

I am duty-bound to protect your confidentiality at all times, so for this reason I may acknowledge you but would generally avoid further conversation. However, if you wish to discuss your therapy with other people that is entirely at your own discretion. 


8. Will you discuss information about me with other health and social care professionals?

I am only able to do this with your written consent. Exceptions to this are outlined in point 4. 


9. Who is the Data Controller and what is their ICO registration number? 

The data controller is Alison Sheen (Helensburgh Hypnotherapy) 

ICO registration number ZB615401





Solution Focused Hypnotherapy requires the client’s full commitment and motivation to get the best outcomes and results can not be guaranteed..

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